Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2 Point Perspective Name

         I feel kind of dumb saying this, but I really like the way I colord this. It's literally my favorite thing about this drawing. Not that I didn't have fun doing my actual name, but I am really happy with the colors. This perspective drawing was a A LOT better than my last one. I took my time and it turned out really well. I feel I did an okay job on taking the edges back to the vanishing points. However, I did forget to take the edge of my "B" back to the opposite vanishing point.  So if I could do this over again, I would fix that, and work on the "W" a little bit longer. I had a harder time remembering that some of the letters had to go back to the opposite vanishing points, but it worked out. I learned that when I'm coloring my sketchbooks and other projects, I like to use purples, blues, and greens, more than any other colors. I don't know why, but I do. I had to keep myself from coloring my whole name those three colors. So I need to work on using a wider variety of colors.

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